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Easy Breezy Reading was developed
to help new and struggling learners, especially dyslexic learners. 

Our curriculum will help enhance phonics, reading, spelling, and printing skills. It's broken up into Laughing Letters and Funny Phonograms. The illustrated letter patterns give your students one more sense to link the phonetic sound to the letters. We tie in visual clues so they can associate the letters to sounds more readily. Because of Easy Breezy Reading, some students finally unlock decoding and encoding skills. Their hand, ears, and eyes become their teacher while they trace, hear, and see the letters, paths, and sounds. Use our curriculum alone or supplement with any phonics or Structured Literacy (Orton Gillingham) program.

Check out our Products!

Available on Teachers Pay Teachers

Short-cut the learning process! Learn how to identify and print the alphabet  in lower-case and upper-case letters, as well as put sounds to letters. Decode small, phonetic words. The kit comes with the workbook, self-checking flash cards, and Power Points for independent, multi-sensory learning.
This workbook contains 139 illustrated phonograms for reading and spelling, as does the coloring book and self-correcting flash cards. The Power Points are designed for independent, multi-sensory learning. The No-Prep Play Guide walks you though how to use your new tools.
This package contains everything in the Laughing Letters and the Funny Phongrams incredible value to joyfully short-cut the learn-to-read and learn-to-spell process.
For creative teachers and parents: You get the individual images of the lower-case and upper-case letters with their corresponding images. 
PNG format.
For creative teachers and parents: Get the individual images of 139 phonetic spelling letters with their corresponding images. PNG format.
Amazing value: Get all images, letters, and phonograms from a-z and all phonograms including advanced phonograms, such as "tion" and "eight." For home or classroom use only. PNG format.

What's a Laughing Letter or Funny Phonogram?

Laughing Letters

Learn your letters in such a fun, fast way, you will laugh your way through them! We created pictures of each letter, both upper- and lowercase to give your students the extra memory hook they need.


Our slide shows and pages give students the multi-sensory experience of hearing, writing, saying, and seeing the letters and their sounds all at the same time. Use our self-checking flashcards for independent work. Students love to "read in pictures" and then translate into regular font.


Our directional letters help them form their letters easily and correctly. Excellent for students with dyslexia and dysgraphia.​


Funny Phonograms

This brand-new packet is offered at an unbelievable value. Customize the PPTs for each class, lesson, or student. Each of the 125 phonograms is introduced with a series of slides, a flashcard, and a reading and spelling page for maximum success.


Funny Phonograms pages start with a keyword/image, traceable letters with follow-the-number directions, 5-6 words to practice and a sentence.


Read in Pictures can be used in a regular classroom (independent work, literacy centers, homework), small-group intervention, one-on-one tutoring, homeschooling, or even with adult dyslexic students.




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